Christmas in Japan: Ho, Ho, Ho — Cluck, Cluck, Cluck!

Fried Chicken is an essential part of Japanese Christmas celebrations. And not just any fried chicken will do, mind you, but specifically KFC. Though more companies are trying to get a piece of the action these days, if you want a proper Japanese Christmas, you need KFC, or your feast will most likely be seen as just “O.K.”

For myself and most other Westerners, this can’t help but lead to one question:

Wait… what?

When what to my wondering eyes should appear, but the Colonel, and eight four tiny reindeer!

Okay, so that’s a bit unusual. Hm.

So… how did this all happen, and moreover— why?

A tree decorated with traditional images of our Lord and Savior famous restaurant chain Founder. Peace be upon him.

I would love to give a nice, detailed write-up about the history of fried chicken— specifically KFC— and its ties to Christmas celebrations in Japan. I do intend to write my own at some point. But for now, the fact is that’s already been done a couple of times in thorough, well written articles, so until I have something bigger and more meaningful to contribute I think it’s best to direct you to those who already succeeded on the topic. Without further ado I would like to direct your attention to the following two pieces:

Greenfield, Rebecca. (2014, December 23rd). It’s Not Christmas In Japan Without KFC:  The Power of Brand Marketing Over a Religious Holiday

Smith, K. Annabelle. (2012, December 14th). Why Japan is Obsessed with Kentucky Fried Chicken on Christmas

I hope that you’ll check them out, they are well worth the read. Either way, here are a few more photos for you to enjoy.

Origami display beneath the tree at the local KFC.
Order your full meal by the 10th, and you get a special promotional plate. To tell the truth, I… I actually really want one. Oh well. Maybe next year.
Japanese hamburger chain Mosburger attempting to get a piece of the Chicken Pie. Chicken Pot Pie? Err… chicken.
If I could choose one image to sum up the Japanese celebration of Christmas, it would be this. Photo from a window display in a Family Mart (convenience store chain) near Hakata Station in Fukuoka City.

Merry Christmas, everybody!
